Our Adult Ministry

Grace Baptist Church is a family! We have a host of opportunities for you to connect with other adults who are in your stage of life. We are confident you will be strengthened and encouraged through these programs.

Sunday School

Sunday school is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and a deeper study of God’s Word. We offer several different study options for adults that meet each Sunday morning. Some classes are centered around a specific topic of study while others are geared toward a specific life stage. Come enjoy a great time of fellowship and Bible study.

Bible Studies

We have a variety of opportunities to get involved in a more personal directed Bible study. Ladies’ of all ages and the Men meet separately as a group once a week. We also have a world renowned Faith Bible Institute that meets once a week. This provides the availability for individual growth in all areas of life.

Ladies’ Ministries

Grace has a wonderful, active ministry for women. There are many opportunities to serve the Lord and others using God given talents, time, and treasures. The mission of our ladies ministries is to encourage, equip and enrich, as well as evangelize. We encourage the development of personal relationships by providing opportunities for fellowship. Some of the activities are dinners for six, an outreach ministry to our widows, a visitation ministry to our shut-ins, special day trips, an annual “overnighter,” and various other fellowships. We seek to promote spiritual growth by offering a weekly ladies’ Bible study, special quarterly Sunday evening split sessions, and several retreats and ladies’ conferences. We seek to minister to those outside our church body by using themed activities where the gospel is presented.


There are many opportunities for fellowship at Grace Baptist Church. Our Homecoming celebration is enjoyed by all ages and is a highlight each year. It may be a softball game, picnic on our own Kelley Field, an ice cream social on a Sunday evening after church, or a day trip to visit a museum or gallery. Our people love to fellowship!

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

On the second to last Saturday each month our men meet for breakfast, a devotional thought from one of our members, and prayer time. Our men cook a delicious breakfast and no one leaves physically or spiritually hungry.

Prison Ministry

Columbia is ‘Ground Zero’ for the prison ministry. Locally we have eleven facilities: nine state prisons and two county detention centers. Our church has several men ministering at various prisons, jails, and downtown mission centers. Warm, appreciative letters are regularly received from inmates and their families that have been blessed and encouraged through the Prison Ministry.

Special Events

We have several ‘special days’ at Grace each year:
  • Easter Sunrise Service at the Riverwalk Amphitheater and Breakfast at the church
  • Spring Revival with guest evangelist
  • Patriotic Sunday – special music, dramatic presentation and guest speaker
  • Vacation Bible School – themed activities and Bible study program for children
  • Homecoming Sunday – favorite music, special guests, dinner on the grounds
  • Fall Revival with guest evangelist
  • Missions Conference – meet new and veteran missionaries from around the world
  • Thanksgiving Service – testimony time for our church family
  • Children’s Christmas Program – a musical dramatic presentation by the children’s Sunday school classes
  • Christmas Cantata – a special Christmas message in song and story from the adult choir and drama team.
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